Beware the Dog
2003-07-18 || Can I getta' hell yeah?

Friday Five �. Can I hear a hell yeah?


1. When was the last time you cheated?I can�t even remember the last time that I cheated on a test or another person.Wow.

2. When was the last time you stole?This question sucks �. Because while I don�t have an exact date, I don�t believe that it was more than six months ago.And I have stolen money.

3. When was the last time you lied?To myself or someone else?I probably lie to myself all the time.I try to be honest with most people but I don�t think that I have been.

4. When was the last time you broke or vandalized another's property?I can�t remember � oh yeah, I accidentally broke a video tape at work a few months ago.I was embarrassed.

5. When was the last time you hurt a loved one?Last night and I still feel bad.

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