Beware the Dog
2003-07-18 || Weighty Issues/ Weighing In

Although my Friday Five are done, I still feel like writing.Work is lagging today or time is lagging while I am at work.For the second day in a row I ate healthily until boredom set in and I ate about twelve chocolate candies.I am going to have to remove the candy dog dish from my desk or grow a set of will-power before I start gaining weight.


I went for sushi with a co-worker today.Avocado and cucumber rolled up into sticky soft rice.I could taste how fresh the roll was.I love onion-y, spicy miso soup.The sushi restaurant is dim and when we walked out into the humidity and sunlight I wanted to swim back into the restaurant and nap in the cool, quiet darkness.


I have been very unhappy at work this week and complained at lunch for a while.I know that this co-worker doesn�t seem eye to eye with me on a lot of the nutty behavior that goes on in my office.


Tonight B and I are going to dinner at Roy�s and we are going to eat this.I want the shrimp and the tuna � I realized yesterday, after eating sushi for lunch and dinner two days in a row that I have not eaten any meat for almost a week.It was not intentional.I have no urge to go back to my vegetarian ways.I guess there has not been much of a craving.


Tomorrow we are going out with his parents and will finally finish celebrating my birthday.I have been enjoying myself but have been breaking dietary rules; eating rich chocolates and reeses cups and sweet lemon candies all day and princess cake for breakfast.My work-outs have been small and rare this week � making it two four day weeks in a row.Paranoia is high.I weigh myself every few days and I think that my 3 p.m. interview is standing me up so I am going to weigh myself now.



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