Beware the Dog
2003-07-25 || Fried Octopus

I feel like crap today.Total hung over, dehydrated crap.But I had a lot of fun last night.J and J came over because one of the Js was in town for business and his fianc�e was coming in town that night for showers and the such.The other J is local but we never seem to see her.


So we met at our apartment and went to Bang in Little Five.


Bang is so yummy.It�s � as the name states � spicy and fiery and hot.The food is, for the most part, explosive and tastes best with wine to cool you down.We had crunchy calamari, and B and I �shared� (he hated his dinner, claiming �lack of taste� so we traded) ragout (mine) for spinach tortellini (his).We shared a bottle of wine for me, B and one of the Js.Two glasses for each and a third for B.Then J and I shared a watermelon-tini and an apple-tini.Really, I shared an apple-tini with me because no one else liked it and I was so drunk that I didn�t care.


Drinks and bummed cigarettes are the best.


I was staggering as we walked out of Bang.Staggering.


This morning I woke up with a rock sitting on my head and cotton stuck in my mouth.After crawling out of bed, taking the dogs out and feeding them, I crept into the shower and tried to absorb the shower water.I brushed my teeth twice and the dogs who eat soft food and have the worst breath ever were wincing when I breathed near them.Winced.Man, I stunk.I still might.I am pretty sure that I do.


Right now I am thanking the Hangover G-d that the Diety of Cancellations stepped in and cleaned off my day.Now, all I have to do is pretend to work and get the minimum done.Tomorrow will be hell on wheels for me but since I am planning a quiet night working out, washing dishes, doing laundry and cleaning, I should be ok.


Seeing the Js last night made me miss having friends.It�s lonely having no social life.Of course, if they were closer I would always be drunk and eating fried octopus.


So there you have it.



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