Beware the Dog
2003-03-28 || out and in
Work is even more boring than usual because the weather is gorgoeus and I would rather be out there than in here.

The boyfriend was excepted to law school for this coming Fall at the local school. Yay to not moving and to his bad-ass for getting accepted. He is a smart kid but I can never tell where his interests really lie. I hope that he loves this all the way through.

Last night we went out with some old neighbors and friends from college and it was nice being out, drunk and having fun. I love the out part but hate the panicky anxiety that I have after I get home and start analyzing everything that I have done wrong.

I was awarded this little certificate from the Board of Directors at work for extraordinary acts of kindness for a weekend that we homed one hundred animals rescued from a hoarders house in Murray County. Being an ass kisser I wrote them a thank you letter and gave it to my boss to pass on. Hey, I am up for my annual review and this baby needs a hella' raise, which I'll never get but am doing my damnedest for.

The best news of all: I got a burberry bag. It is the cutest bag ever and I love it.

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